DI (FH) Anika Kronberger, MA

CoSA - A(R)dventure

I am designer, content strategist and lecturer. My work includes research, ideation, interaction design, user experience design, visual design, content strategy and exhibition design. My clients come from the fields of art and culture, museums, education and non-profit organisations.

I am researcher and lecturer at the FH JOANNEUM at the Institute of Design and Communication in Graz where I am also leading the interaction design specialization in the information design program. My research interests and areas of activity include information design in media production and interactive spaces, user experience design, content strategy, mixed reality, and game-based learning. I am part of the working team of ARGE aktuelle kunst in graz an association from institutions on contemporary art in Graz. I am a member of the art and technology collective monochrom and co-host of the artist run workspace Atelier Schillerstrasse.

Festivals, Talks and Workshops (selection)

IXDA Interaction23
Talk Follow the Sweet Spot

OWHC Regionalkonferenz 2021
Keynote Digitization in Cultural Heritage Management

Zlin Exhibition Design Lab
Workshop on Online Exhibitions for the Zlin Design Week 2021

UXQCC Training
Trainer for the User Experience Quality Certification Center / India and Indonesia

WUC – World Usability Congress 2020
Designing Reality for a unique interactive Mixed-Reality Experience 22.10.2020

UXTalk India
Interaction design in Practice 16.10.2020

Lightning Talk at Museum and the Web 2020
Designing Reality for a unique interactive Mixed-Reality Experience 01.04.2020

Scholarship from Museum and the Web 2018

Komm.st Festival
Funambuli: Leben als Hochseilakt Kunsthaus Weiz 11.10.2019–⁠09.11.2019

EMEE. EuroVision Lab
The Wonderful World of Absence. Interactive Installation, VSL Lindabrunn, 2016

paraflows, Festival for Digital Arts and Cultures
Le Frotteur Electronique Interactive Installation, Vienna, 2013

20 Jahre monochrom, MUSA
„Ich“ Interactive Installation, „Fördermittel“ Installation, „Markenzeichnen“ Installation, Performance, Vienna, 2013

Steirischer Herbst
Truth is Concrete Gesundschrumpfen monochrom performance, Graz, 2013

Steirischer Herbst
Context Hacking Hacktivism monochrom performance, Graz, 2012

Wonderful World Of Absence, Aksioma
exhibition, Ljubljana (SLO), 2011

Publications (selection)

What you try is what you get. Digitale Ansätze im Ausstellungsdesign
Anika Kronberger und Daniel Fabry. 2022. In Das Besucherzentrum Welterbe Regensburg. Karl Stocker und Matthias Ripp (Hg.). Birkhäuser.

Online-First through Structured Content—Back-End Content Strategy for aktuelle kunst in graz. Anika Kronberger, Masterthesis, 2020

Expectations and experiences in online learning.
Maja Pivec und Anika Kronberger. In Tagungsband zum 19. E-Learning Tag der FH JOANNEUM 2020

Hacking the compulsion loop for sustainability education in Game Based Learning. Darragh Coakley (Cork Institute of Technology, Ireland), Maja Pivec, Anika Kronberger (FH JOANNEUM, Institut “Design & Kommunikation). In Tagungsband zum 18. E-Learning Tag der FH JOANNEUM 2019

Warum zeigen? / Was zeig(t/er)? Innovation durch Reproduktion. Die Zeigegeste in Europa. Anika Kronberger, Clara Gallistl, Günther Friesinger, Frank Apunkt Schneider, in: Digital Migration. Konstruktionen – Strategien – Bewegungen. edition mono/monochrom. Günther Friesinger, Judith Schoßböck, Thomas Ballhausen (Hg.) 2016

EMEE – European Museums Exhibiting Europe, Social web and interaction. Social media technologies for European national and regional museums. Anika Kronberger, Heather Kelley, Daniel Fabry, Günther Friesinger, Kerstin Halm. edition mono/monochrom. Susanne Schilling, Günther Friesinger, Susanne Popp (Hg.) 2016

What is the point(ing)? Innovation through reproduction. in: European perspectives on museum objects. Selected examples on the Change of Perspective. Susanne Schilling, Cinzia Angelini, Günther Friesinger, Susanne Popp (eds). 2016

Sonne Busen Hammer 18 / monochrom #35. Sehr unangenehme Gesellschaft – Die Gesundschlachtungsnummer. G. Friesinger, A.  Kronberger, F. A. Schneider, D. Fabry, E. Fürlinger, F. Ablinger, R. Gratzer, J. Grenzfurthner, H. List (Hg.) 2014

Le Frotteur Éléctronique
Kronberger/Fabry in: paraflows – OPEN CULTURE Katalog. edition mono/monochrom. Günther Friesinger (Hg.) 2013

Context Hacking. How to Mess with Art, Media, Law and the Market. monochrom. edition mono. G. Friesinger,  J. Grenzfurthner, F. A. Schneider (Hg.) 2013

monochrom #26-34.
edition mono. G. Friesinger, A.  Kronberger, F. A. Schneider, D. Fabry, E. Fürlinger, F.  Ablinger, R. Gratzer, J. Grenzfurthner, H. List (Hg.)  2010

VIPA – virtual campus for virtual space design provided for european architects. edition mono. 2007

Non-Profit Organisationen im Bereich freier Medien und Netzkultur in Österreich. Anika Kronberger, Diplomarbeit, 2004